The "A3 Scotland 2024" Promotion Meeting was successfully held at Guangzhou International Cooperation Center (GICC) on July 19, 2024, which attracted more than 50 representatives from local government departments, agricultural high-tech companies, as well as several Industrial institutions and Agricultural Associations. The meeting, held both online and offline, was jointly organized by GICC and Scottish Development International.
Ms. Andrea McColl, the Senior Development Manager of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Head of A3 Scotland 2024, gave a detailed introduction of A3 Scotland 2024 online, highlighting that A3 Scotland 2024 will be themed "Digital Transformation - Adapting to Future Agricultural Development" and focused on Animal Health, AgriTech, and Aquaculture.
Dr. John Semple, Sector Lead for Agri-tech from Scottish Department International, presented on the latest development of agri-tech and the ecosystem of AAA sectors in Scotland online, emphasizing that Scotland has world leading innovation capabilities, talent, and a favorable business environment.
苏格兰高地和岛屿工商委员会高级发展经理、农牧渔大会负责人Andrea McColl女士在介绍2024苏格兰农牧渔大会的相关情况时提到,2024苏格兰农牧渔大会将于9月18-19日在苏格兰因弗内斯(Inverness)开幕。这场由苏格兰高地与岛屿工商委员会(HIE)、苏格兰农学院(SRUC)共同主办,苏格兰国际发展局(SDI)和英国商业贸易部(DBT)支持的非营利性会议以“数字化转型—适应未来农业发展”为主题,聚焦动物健康、农业科技、与水产养殖行业的可持续发展,将为来自世界各地的参会者提供一个深入交流的平台。大会安排有多个分组环节,涵盖投融资、国际展示、人工智能、机器人和传感器等农业领域的前沿话题。她诚邀对以上领域感兴趣的中国企业参会,共同见证农业、食品与科技的未来发展,探索与苏格兰农业科技企业的合作机遇。
在提问交流环节,与会企业代表纷纷就苏格兰农牧渔大会的活动安排、参会方式以及如何与苏格兰农业科技企业开展对接和合作等方面进行了踊跃提问。苏格兰国际发展局农业科技行业负责人John Semple博士和华南区总经理申绪春分别在线上和线下热情地回答了大家关心的问题。申总还表示,在此次大会期间,苏格兰国际发展局将根据中国参会企业的需求组织团组会议或一对一会议,或者安排本地企业的参访活动。苏格兰国际发展局愿意为中国企业开拓苏格兰市场以及与苏格兰研发机构开展研发合作提供积极的帮助。