MIGAL is an independent research organization whose mission is to promote and conduct applied research to benefit private and public enterprise. Our team of qualified researchers includes 80 PhDs and a total of 260 researchers distributed into 53 labs that are managed by seasoned senior group leaders. Located in a unique countryside area in Northern Israel, MIGAL is internationally recognized as a hub of agro-innovation. Our scientists hold unique expertise in plant-based platforms to produce therapeutic molecules, metabolic engineering, chemical extractions, vaccines technologies and computational chemistry.
Research in MIGAL is highly interdisciplinary combining expertise in plant sciences, chemistry, computational chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology. We also have an in-house R&D unit of about 50 agro-researchers and technicians working in several experimental farms nearby. This agro R&D unit known as "Northern R&D" enables us to execute research programs that go all the way from the bench to the field. Our research groups often work together to produce new and innovative approaches to specific scientific questions.
MIGAL forms the basis for a large number of agro-innovation and BioMed projects, some of which ended up as successful, publically traded, biotech companies.
Researcher – Entrepreneur Program: MIGAL translational research seed Incubator
In view of the recognition that researchers are a key ingredient to the successful commercialization of technology developed through their research programs, MIGAL offers a unique opportunity for leading researchers who wish to become involved in translational research and later on in R&D efforts based on their work. We have established a unique Research-Entrepreneurs program ("R/E's") that allows researchers to pursue high-risk commercialization oriented projects. This program is strongly supported by MIGALs' business unit.
MIGAL was recently awarded a 4.5 million Euros grant from the European Union as well as significant sums from the Israeli government to establish a new center of excellence within its' premises. This generous funding is being used to upgrade MIGALs' infrastructure, purchase state-of-the-art equipment and hire new researchers who complement and fortify our existing staff. One of our new recruits, who is studying artificial photosynthesis and protein design, was recently awarded a prestigious 2 million Euros ERC grant.
MIGAL’s three main research groups are:
Biotechnology and Health with a focus on Agro-technology, biomedical, biochemical and nutrition specialties.
Ecology and Environmental Science including plant science, water treatment, animal science and biodiversity, hydrogeology and physical chemistry.
Agriculture Including freshwater aquaculture, genetic microbiology and biotechnology. Including a team of about 50 researchers and technicians conducting field studies at experimental farms.
MIGAL’s scientific research has been the basis of numerous patents and entrepreneurial applications. MIGAL owns (in whole or part) and manages several enterprises specializing in biotechnological and agricultural applications. Innovations stemming from MIGAL’s work attract investment and create opportunities for economic growth and diversification within the Galilee.
Science teaching is fully integrated in MIGAL’s activities. Most of our researchers are co-instructors and supervisors of co-advise advanced degree students from academic institutions all over Israel, including the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Weizmann Institute and the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion). Currently, approximately 70 master and Ph.D. students are mentored by MIGAL’s scientists. Many of these scientists were also instrumental in founding the Tel Hai Academic College and serve there as faculty members. The synergistic relationship between MIGAL and Tel Hai fosters innovative scientific education. Successive generations of Israeli scientists and innovators have benefited from opportunities for practical learning, internships and exposure to real-world applications.
Strengthening the links between the science, scientists and the community at large is our most important outreach activity. Many communities in the Galilee are remote from other opportunities to observe high quality science in action. We are active in educational programs (K-12) in schools throughout the region and participate in numerous community activities (for example the annual Researchers Night ). The objective is to increase scientific literacy and the awareness of the importance of science among the general population.